
Emmet offers wide range of tweaks you can use to fine-tune your plugin experience. Almost all officially developed editor plugins (except PSPad and browser-based) has extensions support: a special folder where you can put json and js files to extend Emmet. Please refer to README file bundled with your editor’s plugin to find out where Emmet looks for extensions.

几乎所有的官方开发的插件(除了 PSPad 与 网页编辑器的插件外)均支持扩展: 将 jsonjs 文件放到特定目录下。请查看你的编辑器插件说明,找到这个目录。

译注:这里所说的插件即 Emmet。

Each .js file located in extensions folder will be loaded and executed on plugin start-up. Use js files to create your own filters or actions: you can use Emmet modules and bindings to script your editor with JavaScript.

扩展目录下所有的 .js 文件在插件启动时加载并执行。使用 .js 文件创建你自己的 过滤器功能:你可以利用 Emmet 的模块与绑定,以 JavaScript 来编写你的编辑器插件。

With .json files you can fine-tune different parts of Emmet toolkit:

使用 .json 文件配置 Emmet:

Add your own or update existing snippets.
Change behavior of some Emmet filters and actions.
Define how generated HTML/XML should look.
定义怎样输出 HTML/XML。


在Sublime Text 下 Emmet 可以用选项 extensions_path 配置扩展目录,默认为 ~/emmet。也可以用相对路径,对于便携版,是相对于 sublime_text.exe 的路径。